With SLANT 45 projects continuing through the end of December, North Texas youth continue to transform their schools, neighborhoods and communities through creative and innovative service projects. Kudos to these teams and to all of the other SLANT 45 teams making a difference.
Team E1 Rocks! of Starwood Montessori in Frisco collected 452 pairs of shoes for Trinity River Mission! Several Starwood teams, with students from age 3 through 12, participated in SLANT 45.
Keller's Team Smileys collected 444 books for the West Dallas Community Centers.
The Bobcats, of Richardson's Brentfield Elementary, volunteered their time at Community Partners of Dallas, sorting items in their warehouse.
The Dream Angels of Dallas worked with the Texas Trees Foundation to plant trees in their community.
Yesterday, 185 fourth and fifth graders from Wells Elementary in Plano kicked off their SLANT 45 project with help from Bank of America, a SLANT 45 title sponsor, and Dallas Cowboy Felix Jones.
Students participated in a variety of activities as part of the "Hunger No More" initiative, including creating holiday cards for the elderly and decorating and stuffing lunch bags for Meals on Wheels recipients.
Click here to see a video of the students in action.
Visit NorthPark Center to view two awesome art exhibits!
SLANT 45 Community Heroes Exhibit
Between February and November 2010, more than 35,000 youth participated in SLANT 45: Service Learning Adventures in North Texas, a program designed to inspire kids to become champions of
community service. Each team had an idea from which came a service project—many bigger and more fantastic than imaginable. The SLANT 45 Community Heroes exhibition is a sampling of reflective
art pieces documenting their efforts and impact. The NorthPark exhibit will be on display through January 24, 2010 at NorthPark Center near Bookmarks, located on the lower level between LOFT and XXI Forever. Barneys New York Holiday Window
For the fifth year, students participating in Big Thought programming have created the art showcased in the holiday window display at Barneys New York. This year’s theme is “Have a Foodie Holiday” and students in grades K-8 participating in the Thriving Minds after-school program were asked to imagine and then paint a portrait of their favorite chef. Guided by teaching artists Junanne Peck, Janet Reynolds and Amber Fort, students at W.W. Bushman and L.O. Donald elementary schools and L.V. Stockard Middle School created the art
The first exhibit showcasing the reflective art collages of SLANT 45 participants is on display at NorthPark Center in Dallas now through January 24. Located in the corridor between XXI Forever and LOFT, the exhibit represents thousands of hours of service from kindergarten through high school age students.
From neighborhood cleanups and anti-bullying programs to coat drives for the homeless and musical performances for nursing home residents, more than 33,000 North Texas youth have contributed over 400,000 hours of services in their communities – that adds up to more than 45 years!
Be sure to stop by and see the creative and unique ways in which these students expressed their service-learning experience.
For more information on the SLANT 45 Community Heroes art exhibition, including future exhibit locations, please visit slant45.org/art-exhibition.